Devisto provides the built-in <x-map />
, <x-map-marker />
and <x-places-autocomplete />
components that you can use in your views and Livewire components to build map functionalities.
First thing you must know: a map without a height or aspect ratio won't render anything:
{{-- ❌ Won't show anything --}}
{{-- ✅ You must give it an explicit height or aspect ratio --}}
<x-map class="h-96">...</x-map>
<x-map class="aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3">...</x-map>
A simple map to show your location can be built like this:
<x-map class="aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3">
<x-map-marker location="6th Avenue, New York">
Here is our shop!
If you have a table with locations, make sure you have a Geo field with the coordinates of the locations. Then you can make a map and use a loop for the markers:
<x-map class="aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3">
@foreach (table('locations')->get() as $location)
<x-map-marker :location="$location->coordinates">
{{ $location->title }}
If you want to add search functionality, you'll have to create a Livewire component:
<div class="bg-gray-200 aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3 mb-4">
@if ($dealers->isNotEmpty())
@foreach ($dealers as $dealer)
<x-map-marker :location="$dealer->coordinates">
<strong>{{ $dealer->name }}</strong><br>
{{ $dealer->address }}<br>
{{ $dealer->zip }} {{ $dealer->city }}
<div class="flex items-center justify-center">
No dealers found.
<form wire:submit.prevent="$refresh" class="flex space-x-4">
<x-places-autocomplete country="us" wire:model.defer="location" class="form-input flex-1" placeholder="Enter a location" />
<select wire:model="radius" class="form-select">
<option value="10">10 km</option>
<option value="20">20 km</option>
<option value="50">50 km</option>
<button type="primary" wire:loading.class="opacity-50">
class DealerFinder extends Component
public $location = '';
public $radius = 10;
protected $queryString = ['location', 'radius'];
// Add this listener to listen to changes in the <x-places-autocomplete /> component
protected $listeners = ['placeChanged'];
public function placeChanged($location)
$this->location = $location;
public function renderData()
return [
'dealers' => table('dealers')->near($this->location, $this->radius)->get(),
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